Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Average girl spends 4 yrs of life on phone!

London, April 28: Girl-phone affair has long been known to mankind. And now, a new study has claimed that girls spend more than four years of their lives “on the beloved”.

The new UK study has found that women will make or receive an average of 288,000 calls in their lifetime.

Those calls last a total of 42,000 hours — or 4.75 years.

As far as men are concerned, they are not much of “yappers”— their 277,000 calls in a lifetime take up 28,500 hours or 3.25 years, reports The Sun.

The research, for mobile phone recycler, found that women in London are Britain’s biggest gasbags, spending an incredible 14 hours 16 minutes a week talking on either mobile or landline.

A spokesman for said: “The figures are remarkable.

“It’s very easy to lose track of time while chatting on the phone, and it seems women are more prone to this than blokes.”


Agaknya ada tak kajian dibuat di Malaysia dan apakah keputusannya? Mungkin kajian tu patut lebih menjurus kps SMS yg dihantar. Kat mana2 pn ade kaki text msg ni, tengah makan, membaca, tgh drive, tunggu bas, dalam jamban pendek kata sebut saja dimana mesti ade org SMS. Handphone dah jadi satu kemestian dlm hidup zaman skg ni. Bukan lagi kehendak tp keperluan.

Pernahkah anda off kan hp anda selama seminggu??

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