3. I admit that ever since I became Minister of Education in 1974, through my period as Deputy Prime Minister and then 22 years as Prime Minister I committed a lot of mistakes. I would not be human if I did not.
4. I am sure my critics also made mistakes in their lifetime. The only difference is that their mistakes affected only themselves. But if they get the chance to be PM maybe they will make the same mistakes I made. And we all will suffer.
5. Now we are seeing the former opposition parties forming Governments in several States. They were before very critical of Government mistakes. Now they seem to be making mistakes too.
6. Malaysians will have a tough time in the next general election. They may not like Barisan Nasional which for 50 years have been throwing tens of thousands into detention under the Internal Security Act, wasting public money building towers, airports, ports, highways etc, muzzling the Press etc etc. But they will find the so-called alternative coalition not much better.
7. Really Malaysia is a most unfortunate country. It has experienced misrule ever since independence. And it looks like it will continue to be misruled whether the incumbent or the opposition wins.
8. Maybe independence was a mistake also. How much better we would be under British rule. No one would be detained under the ISA. Everyone, Communists included, would be able ot speak their minds and contest in elections. Someone should be blamed for making the mistake of fighting for independence.
9. Cry my beloved country.
After reading all your deepest word, I feel like Malaysia has come to the end. We have come to a blaming culture and nation with a blaming culture can't perform at a highest level, because its people can't take reasonable risks. When nation and its people live by a culture of seeking scapegoats, the consequences can be disastrous. No one particularly national leaders wants to make unpopular, controversial and risky decisions afraid of being blame. But as you said, human make mistakes and nobody's perfect. I must say this to you "Tun M, kesilapan yg Tun lakukan terlalu sedikit dibandingkan kejayaan Tun membawa Malaysia ke satu tahap yg lebih baik. Tiada huru-hara besar semasa pemerintahan Tun dan Malaysia membangun dgn rancak. Dahulu saya mampu tidur lena kerana keamanan dan kesejahteraan yg nyata bukan sekadar retorik slogan. Saya bersyukur kpd Allah utk itu dan terima kasih Tun."
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